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sexta-feira, janeiro 18, 2008

Angel - Pearl Jam

Like an angel, fly over your house
Like an angel, pass out wishes
Like an angel, I will move the arrow
Like an angel, I live alone

I'm not livin' what was promised
I am close but can't enjoy
Oh, I'm not dyin'
Oh, I'm so tortured

'Cause I see all
Tortured, and all I cannot do
Tortured, all I should have done
Tortured, while I occupied a man

I'm not livin' what was promised
I am far from glorified
Oh, I'm not dyin'
Oh, I'm not alone

Mind is not a celestial state
With idle hymns of praise
Time is short, I have an appointment at noon
at noon in hell
Across the waste of space and fields of air
I glide, alone at night

Oh please, please think of me
'Cause I'm, I'm by your side
I'm by your side, I'm by your side
I'm, I'm right in front of you

Por Mysterious às 13:34 | Com Blogger 3 | |

3 Comente:
Blogger Osimar Medeiros disse...

Ah, o idealismo romântico...nada pior que isso.


Beijo em ti.

1/19/2008 11:22 AM  
Blogger .Intense. disse...

Emule a toda, procurando Angel, by Pearl Jam...

vamos ver.
álias, ouvir.

me vi nos seus favoritos.

1/19/2008 8:11 PM  
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